Join our interactive survey on the future of International Development Cooperation in the light of the COVID-19 crisis!
by Jonathan
To make a contribution in these troubled times, a small team working in and with 4Sing has developed draft scenarios that aim at illuminating the future space in which international development cooperation (IDC) will have to operate as a result of the COVID-19 crisis. The ambition is to support and inspire those of our colleagues, clients and partners worldwide who are working in this complex field, and to give them an opportunity to test if their strategy is robust in all plausible scenarios. We are happy to share the results with anyone who requests it, and will make the final version available to all, as this work is pro bono publico.
As a starting point, we took our global scenarios (that were developed in May with the Eidos Partners). However, this new set of scenarios, are focused on IDC. Their purpose is to kick off the conversation: they are not supposed to be the end of the journey, but rather the start! Hence please feel free to give totally different insights and opinions. Do this by clicking on this link: it will take you to a site, where you will first be asked to share how Covid-19 has impacted your personal work and working environment and then to suggest what you see as being the driving forces for the future of IDC in the light of the COVID-19 crisis. This standard survey only takes a couple of minutes – at most – to complete. In a second phase you will see the draft scenarios we have prepared. Here you can comment on them and share what else you would expect to happen as a result of these scenarios. For this part you will be asked to register with the platform we are using – Co:tunity. Having registered you will be able both to enter your own comments and to make comments on what others have written. You will not need longer than 10 Minutes to go through a scenario, but you may wish stay longer, either if you want to comment on multiple scenarios, or if you want to react to the comments given by other people who have also commented already.
If you register, we will share the results with you. In any case, we will seek to ensure that the outcomes find an echo among the relevant policy influencers and decision makers.
The more perspectives, the better the picture, so please do join the conversation!