Pessimistic or optimistic?
by AdrianThe Hamburg Futures Netzwork met for its fourth event yesterday in the iLab of the Bundeswehr. Once again a very big thank you to Thorsten Kodalle who made us feel very welcome in the Führungsakemie.
One of the things that struck me came when I asked the twenty plus participants how they viewed the future, there was the whole gamut of answers – from very pessimistic to very optimistic (and everything in between), and fairly evenly represented. On the pessimistic (or as one participant put it “realistic”) side, current events featured strongly. On the more optimistic side, some admitted that I was a question of character. But also strikingly, it came again and again that “the problems we face are caused by humans – but then that means we can solve them as well”. One other comment was striking in this context – the future is not positive or negative, but rather it is a space we need to use to change our thinking and make things happen!
What do you think?
And if you happen to know people in the Hamburg area who should be a part of this group, do send them to