Category: vision
Politics vs the Long Term
by AdrianNew Luxembourg Vision and Strategy
by AdrianVery much enjoyed the Luxembourg Strategy event yesterday. Here is a country leading the way by setting out a vision – which has been wind tunnelled for robustness in different scenarios – for a zero carbon future. Moreover, it not just promotes carbon mitigation, it takes explicit account of inclusivity – the need to keep citizens on-board. […]
News of the Future: Das Gebot der Stunde: 2027 Preis für die beste Zukunfts-Politikgestaltung vergeben
by MartinaWhat future, and what options, for International Development Cooperation?
by JonathanA growing demand for team building and conflict reduction
by AdrianIt may just be coincidence, but I suspect not. In the last few weeks, we have had three requests for virtual team building exercises, and two projects that (more or less explicitly) are seeking to take the poison out of conflictual situations in a team. My rationalisation is that, after a long time of kicking […]
Visions of how to change the world
by AdrianJust completed work on a “Theory of Change” for a client that is seeking to have a real impact on climate change. Having identified what the client is good at doing, and at what others in their environment are already doing well (and hence, that the client does not need to repeat), a couple of […]