From projects to Integrated Solutions

Getting ready for a new era in the GIZ

Big changes are on the horizon at GIZ, with a new era of work set to kick off in 2026. As we gear up for this transformation, 2025 will serve as a pivotal year for laying the groundwork. This means not only institutional and organizational shifts, but also a significant shift in mindset. The future is all about moving from a project-focused approach to one that embraces integrated, digital solutions backed by proven, cutting-edge methods and tools. This evolution demands a whole new way of planning, budgeting, executing, and managing initiatives.

To make it happen, GIZ is ushering in a digital revolution, starting with the rollout of S4HANA—an advanced SAP software that will replace most of the current digital tools. But such a monumental change doesn’t happen overnight. It requires thoughtful design, careful implementation, strategic planning, and, above all, agile thinking to tackle the inevitable challenges.

Together with my 4Sing colleagues, I have had the privilege of working with a GIZ pilot region, where we’ve already helped navigate many of these challenges with innovative, forward-thinking solutions. As the clock ticks down to 2026, the hurdles are still there, so I imagine there will be a lot more people interested in the experiences of success and failure that already took place!

knowledge-sharing, multi-stakeholder strategy, other