Author: Jonathan
Jonathan combines analysis and practice to motivate groups in developing solutions that are based on solid foundations.
Join our interactive survey on the future of International Development Cooperation in the light of the COVID-19 crisis!
by JonathanThe World After Covid-19
by JonathanOn-line Workshops work suprisingly well!
by JonathanInternational Potato
by JonathanPan-European Co-Creation
by JonathanGeorgia knows how to welcome its guests
by JonathanEine Notiz zu Szenarien
by JonathanThe difference between a “shout room” and an “echo chamber”
by JonathanNationale und überregionale Ansätze vereinen
by JonathanZukunftsreporter
by JonathanDie Riffreporter sind ein “Projekt für lebendigen Qualitätsjournalismus” und wurden bereits mit dem Grimme Online Award und dem #Netzwende-Preis ausgezeichnet. Auf ihren Seiten haben sie jetzt auch einen Fokus auf Zukunftsthemen gelegt und einige lesenswerte und fundierte Analysen und Reportagen zusammengetragen. Auch wenn sich ein Gutteil der Beiträge eher auf Europa und Deutschland konzentriert, was […]
From the land of fire to the origins of coffee
by JonathanBaku is a place where you see what happens if architects don’t have budget restrictions. The buildings are impressive, yet elegant and not disturbing the historic substance of the city. Still, challenges remain for the country between the Caucasus and Iran to tackle unemployment, economic and financial development and investment climate. Both, the actual and […]
AI writing about the future of cybersecurity
by JonathanA bot read 1000+ cyber security predictions for 2020 and then wrote an article about it itself – after being asked to do so by a human, still.
Investment Climate in Minsk
by JonathanI feared cold when headed to Minsk, Belarus, but it was surprisingly warm for December. The workshop’s participants engaged quickly and were not disturbed by a rather unconventional workshop-concept: Instead of presenting and discussing in plenary all the time, the client opted for an interactive format where we focused the discussions in small diverse groups. […]
Migration Innovation in Uganda
by JonathanTravelling to East/ Central Africa always comes with surprises. As for example that Ruanda’s plastic ban is really enforced. When the plane held in Kigali for a stop-over, the personnel reminded the deboarding passengers that it was strictly illegal to bring any sort of plastic bag into the country. From a European point of view, […]
La migration à la Corne d’Afrique, Djibouti
by JonathanJe viens de rentrer de Djibouti, ou j’ai animé l’atelier de cadrage pour la deuxième phase du projet Better Migration Management de l’Union Européenne. Etant un part essentiel du Khartoum Process, le programme vise à l’amélioration de la gestion des réfugiées dans la région, et notamment de soutenir les personnes dans le besoin et de […]
Keine Dystopie. Aber.
by JonathanMit GRM legt Sibylle Berg einen Roman vor, der einen Blick auf eine nicht sehr ferne Zukunft in Großbritannien irgendwann nach dem Brexit wirft und die Gemüter von jungen, abgehängten Menschen einfängt. Diese setzen sich mit einer Welt auseinander, die durch einen entfesselten Liberalismus/ Kapitalismus in Verbindung mit einer lückenlosen digitalen Erfassung und Verarbeitung menschlichen […]
Liquid Reign – Inspiring Fiction on Future
by JonathanA most inspiring piece on a possible future! I strongly recommend reading this book by Tim Reutemann, who summarizes his work as follows: “Liquid Reign is a work of speculative fiction, imagineering a fairly liveable future in 2051, neither dys- nor utopian. Melting the boundaries between science and fiction into a novel format, each chapter […]
Interviews on the Future I: Armenia
by JonathanIn order to better understand trends and international developments, I interview people of interest in the different countries we’re working. This time, I was lucky to spend some time with a person working in the growing Armenian art scene. Thank you so much! Q: What, in your opinion, are the main topics, drivers or important […]